Published on February 20, 2004 By In Stardock Software
This may be a very silly question, but is there an easy way (plugin) to make a bitmapped volume slider (like that generic gradient LED look) for the Play Control (or Main Volume)? I've been rooting around trying to figure it out, but so far I can only figure out how to do it for ObjectMedia.

If there isn't any easy way would someone be willing to provide a script to do it. I'd be more than happy to supply the graphics.
on Feb 21, 2004
what you can do is
a)use dxplayer
b)use windows media player activex
c)use third party exes that can lower or raise volume.

with all three you will have to write dxscript that will call the raise function for one of the three, and the lowerfunction of one of the three. I suggest using dxplayer as it comes with dx. the third party programs will probably be the easiest if you know how to call them with vbscript, but they will be hard to distribute.
on Feb 21, 2004
Isn't it possible to access the volume control built into windows? I don't know any scripting at all (which is why I'm asking for the help of course.) so I'd be lost trying to do any of it.
on Feb 22, 2004
I don't know of a way to control the volume of your computer with dx without using a builtin function of dx like dxplayer, an activex control, or a thirdparty program. In order to change the volume in general requires a program. Windowsxp has the sndvol32.exe and a built in funtion to do it through it. However most media players use their own means or a function that calls a built in windows function built in to the program that changes the volume. if you want a dx object to pop up the volume control for windows you can set the shortcut of the object to c:\windows\system32\sndvol32.exe.

I hope this helps.
on Feb 22, 2004
does sndvol32 support window messages (I think that's waht it's called) like winamp does? If so then it should be easy enough for someone to make a volum control plugin. I was messing around with DXplayer, but I couldn't seem to get it to work the way I wanted it to. I want a verticle fader for Windows main volume, and I can't seem to get it to work.

I'm probably just missing something. I someone has an example of a DXobject like the one I'm describing could you send me a link so that I can take a look. I've been through the libraries here, but I can only find horizontal sliders. No verticle, and no faders. I don't think 32bit .pngs work with DXplayer either.